Sandino Vive!Tomb of the Commander in Chief of the Revolution, Carlos Fonseca. Revolution Square, Managua.

Grl. Augusto Cesar Sandino, Father of the Revolution

Welcome English-speaking visitors. Although some of the materials of this site are in English, most of the contents are in Spanish; they will be translated to English soon. This site is a memorial dedicated to the victims of genocide commited by the somocist regime in 1979, and to the more than thirty thousand [30,000] victims of the terrorist actions to which Nicaragua was subjected from 1980 to 1989. The main objective of this site is educational, as a tool for students and researchers interested in the history and culture of Nicaragua.

This web site is also dedicated to:

The preservation and diffussion of the achievements and methods of the National Literacy Campaign (Cruzada Nacional de Alfabetizacion);

To the digital preservation of the murals in Nicaragua -some of which have been destroyed by the neosomocism;

As a depository of the for the documents related to the case Nicaragua vs US (1984-1991) at the International Court of Justice (World Court);

To archive various documents about recent history, to present some of the writtings of Sandino and Carlos Fonseca, and samples of literature and art of the people and friends of Nicaragua.


Updated on January 8, 2005---© Copyright